Website Article Notifications

The website can be setup to send you an email notifications when a new article is posted.By default this is not enabled for each user.

This PDF will show the steps to do to setup to enable this feature.

Click on this article to open the PDF attachment at the bottom of this post.


Until Further Notice

Until Further Notice all Anne Arundel Radio Club Meetings will be held on Zoom!

First, you should know that unless otherwise stated meetings are from 7:30pm till approximately 9:00pm on the days in question.  Further you should know that a Zoom Meeting Invite, will contain the Meeting ID and Password needed to be a part of that meeting. 

New Here Perhaps?


I recently received an email from a member who obviously didn't understand some of the basics of how our club works.  I thought "Maybe he's not alone?"  So I wrote up a page of stuff for Noobies to the AARC.  Stuff every member should know.  If you are new here.... I suggest you click on the heading above and read it. 

Repeater Feed on Website

There is now a live feed of the 147.105 repeater on the W3VPR website. It is hosted by, where it is also available. 

The feed is currenlty being fed by KB3YMU using a Uniden BCD436 scanner, an old Dell laptop running Proscan. The site is backed up with UPS and generator.

This is an informational feed due to the delay(90 seconds), this is just inherint in the network between the capture of the audio, transmision to the Broadcastify site and encoding time for internet broadcast.

It is not meant to use in conjunction with realtime communications, rather for when you are unable to receive the signal or for testing your rig, you are able to transmit and then wait to hear your transmission via broadcastify.

If you have any question you may contact



In 2018/2019 we created new Application Forms, Membership Renewal Forms, Waiver Forms, Yearly Survey Forms and Photographic Release Forms both online and hard copy.   But its clear from what is being filled out that many members don't understand the reasons for each, and even who should fill them out.

So, if you want to understand the process...... click here.

Ham Intelligent Calculator

Want a FREE all purpose ham calculator:

Stuff to Do as You Renew

Last year we instituted a door prize at the Holiday Party just for those who took part in filling out the Yearly Survey.  At the party, a large number of members all of a sudden wanted to fill in the form, and since we had computers online, they were able to do so, and participate.  This year, we won't be having Internet Access at the Holiday Party.  So if you want to take part, you must (assuming you haven't done so, and most haven't) please go online now, and fill out the Yearly Survey for 2019. 

Local Clubs

There was a discussion on the Holly net regarding radio clubs around Maryland.

Here is a PDF attachment that is printable/downloadable and clickable with the information that was desired.


Click thru on article to download the file.

