Special Event Stations for October 2022

We are making the Special Event Stations for October available to those accessing the website, which may include members, potential members and amateurs in general.

We use the ARRL listings, but sort them by type of activity and then date. This way people can find Special Event Stations based on their preferences.

The listing is in PDF format.  


Another Certificate for Abie, AB1F

Abie Alexander, AB1F, just received his ARRL certificate for placing first in the Maryland-DC Section and 5th in the Atlantic Division for his 2021 contesting efforts.

All Things Digital Net

The AARC conducts a net on most Tuesdays to discuss digital communications. The All Things Digital net begins at 8 pm on the club's repeaters. (The exception is the second Tuesday of months when schools are in session as RACES conducts it regular meeting on the repeaters.)

The club repeaters are 147.105 and 444.400 in Davidsonville and the 147.105 in Curtis Bay. All repeaters have a positive offset and use a PL tone of 107.2. 

The club also sponsors the Holly Net on weekdays between 7 and 9 am as well as a weekly Wednesday Night Net at 8 pm.

AARC Picnic

A good turnout considering there was an ARES demonstration at the Arundel Mills campus of the Anne Arundel Community College, the Anne Arundel County Fair, the Maryland Renaissance  Festival and the air show at Joint Base Andrews.

2023 Proposed Budget

The 2023 proposed budget is here. It will be up for approval at the October business meeting.

2023 Budget Presentation

The 2023 proposed budget will be presented to the membership for review at the September 15th meeting. Comments will be allowed afterwards by contacting treasurer@w3vpr.org and the final draft will is to be acted upon at the October meeting. 

No Open Shack on September 11 and 18

Due to special events and the upcoming Picnic, the Open Shacks scheduled for September 11 and September 18 have been canceled. 

CQ WW WPX Contest 2022 certificate

As noted earlier, Abie Alexander, AB1F, received recognition in the CQ WW WPX Contest 2022. A copy of the certificate is shown here. Abie did so using the club equipment in the shack at Davidsonville. 

Current members can utilize the club equipment with the proper license on open shack days to become more familiar with equipment other than a HT.

Upcoming Hamfests


Get an eyeball with your fellow-Hams, visit vendors at the trade show, stroll thru the tailgate / flea market and join the chat about the latest in Amateur Radio. Please add these upcoming events to your MDC Section Hamfests / Nearby Hamfests. (WV, VA, DE, WPA, EPA, MDC)

ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator Needed

MDC Section SEC is seeking to fill vacant ASEC - Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator.

Fall Technician Training

The Fall Technician class is scheduled to begin on Sunday October 2nd at 1:00pm. This is an entry level class to amateur radio. At the conclusion you should be able to pass the Technician examination.

There is no charge to take the class. You may register at https://www.w3vpr.org/preregister.

. The class will use the ARRL text for Technician licenses, which is available from Amazon.com or the ARRL Store.

September Testing

This is a reminder that license testing this month is on September 10. The AARC team is part of the Laurel VEC and we offer tests for all three licenses. There is no charge to take the test. To pre-register go to the pre-registration page.

September VHF Contest

Of note for VHF contesters is the 2022 ARRL September VHF Contest, which begins on September 10 at 1800 UTC, and concludes on September 12 at 0259 UTC. The new Analog Only categories that were introduced for Single Operator participants in June will continue with this event, so there are plenty of ways to participate, no matter which modes (CW, SSB, or digital) you choose to operate. Operation is allowed on any amateur frequency from 50 MHz to light.

Technician Classes Begin

If you have a friend who wants to become a ham, tell them there are not one, but two courses coming up.  They have their pick.  Both are done locally, via Zoom.

Member News

Abie Alexander, AB1F, was the winner of the Single Operator Unlimited, Low Power 15 meters in the Atlantic Division during the 2022 ARRL International DX Phone Contest that was held in March. 

2022 MDC QSO Party is over

The MDC QSO Party was conducted on August 13. As of August 15 a total of 129 entries had been received. More are expected, as the cutoff date for submissions is 30 days from the date of the contest.

For those who have not submitted, an entry form is required in order to be considered for points and awards.

August 4 meeting speaker: Dr. Michael Carper

Dr. Michael Carper of Ham Radio Deluxe will be the guest speaker (via Zoom) for the August 4 meeting. 

Dr. Carper is the remaining one of three co-founders who founded HRD Software, LLC in 2012. During 2017, he took an active role in managing portions of daily business operations of HRD Software with a focus is on Sales, Support, and Digital Marketing. Today, he sets the agenda product development.

Capital Improvements

On July 21, the club approved a spending motion for funds to put in a gravel parking area near the clubhouse as well as to erect a new tower. These improvements were approved by the DFRC and have tentative approval from the county. 

Club Picnic

Picnic basket gif

The club picnic is back. It is scheduled for September 17, 2022 at the DFRC. Follow the website for information as it becomes available. 

There will also be an equipment sale held on the same day.

MDC QSO Party Help Needed

The club needs assistance with the Maryland-DC QSO Party. If you are able to help with the planning and execution, contact Eric at president@w3vpr.org or the chairperson at mdcqsop@w3vpr.org.
