We Will Indeed Be Meeting Thursday


Regardless of the water situation, we are holding a club meeting this Thursday, the topic of which is "Field Day, how can we make it even better!".  So bring your best ideas, and a gallon of water if you care to, and be at the club house this Thursday at 7:30pm.  Its sure to be lively.

In the shelter.jpg

By all accounts Field Day was a lot of fun again this year. We had 11 working antennas, 3 adjacent shelters, and a respectable point score. CW made a comeback, and a few hams we didn't expect scored big points for us. A number of our newer hams got a chance to explore HF and learn to use PSK31. Guests were greeted enthusiastically, the pizza was awesome as usual.  Breakfast and our lunch time barbecue were delicious, and the 1am potato chips were to die for. Even the weather cooperated, "mostly".. I mean Field Day is after all, the last rainy weekend in June.

But nothing goes without problems. So this Thursday's meeting is all about putting ideas together for next year.  We want to make Field Day even better, assuming that's possible.. So come on out Thursday and bring your best ideas!"