Nominating Process

The reputation and success of the AARC depends upon its leadership, and the time is fast approaching when the club chooses and endorses the leadership for the coming year, 2021.  At times some officers/directors are willing to continue on the board, but there will also likely be several vacancies which will need to be filled. 

We encourage each member to think carefully about the need for willing and able leadership for AARC, and if you feel called to offer your time and efforts as a club officer, you have several choices.  You can fill in the online AARC Nominating Questionaire for Club Officers form, which will automatically send the results to me.  Or you can download and fill out out the nomination form and email it to  Or you can send it by US Postal Service if you prefer to the AARC Post Office Box. 

If you would like to recommend some other member to be considered for one of the leadership positions, please email me your thoughts about that person and what job you think he/she would be suited for, and the nominating committee will consider presenting that person as a nominee. 

The nominating committee is bound by our Bylaws to present a slate of nominees to the board of directors no later than the last Thursday of October.  Additional nominations can be made from the floor at the meeting on November 1. Assuming the Ham Arundel News goes out as scheduled between the November Business Meeting and November 15th with the required notice of the Annual Meeting is sent at least 10 days prior, the election of officers will be held at the meeting at the second November Meeting.

So please consider becoming an officer/director, and if you decide to do so, please submit or forward the form as soon as possible.  And the nominating committee will be glad to provide you more information about the duties and responsibilities of an officer/director if you request it.   

This message edited was edited by Keith Miller, AE3D based on the original text by then Membership Committee Chairman, Chuck Tanner, K3ACT.